A joyful life can be yours... grab your
Quickstart Guide today!

My Joyful Living Quickstart Guide will show you what steps to take to quickly begin living a life full of joy.

Fact: A joyful life is a positive life. It is a life overwhelming with gratitude and appreciation. It is a life that has learned to rise above all of the external circumstances. You too can live a life that chooses joy...everyday.

If you are struggling and do not know where to begin, my Joyful Living Quickstart Guide is perfect for you. 5 actionable steps that you can start putting into practice right now.

And...it's FREE. My gift to you.

Jane, you hit the ball out of the park with this one. These 5 simple steps are spot on. 
Thanks so much.   - Deidre

 You are overwhelmed with paying bills

You are stressed out about putting food on the table

You have way too many distractions

You are finding it hard to rise above your circumstances

You seem to be living your life in a fog and each day blends into the next

Your to-do list is a mile long

Your calendar is overbooked

Even if...

Learn how to begin to live a truly authentic life each and every day 

Thanks so much for this Quickstart Guide. It definitely got me headed in the right direction. My joyful life is right around the corner!'  - MaryAnne

And I know what it is like to struggle with living life....let alone be joyful everyday.

When I started my blog in 2019 it was not because I have had it together my whole life. Nope. In fact, my life was kinda a mess. I would grope around trying to find the right things to do or say. I really had NO idea who I was. And, for the post part, my life, even though it was good...was not joyful.

I tended to look at everything as half empty. Beginning my day with thoughts of gratitude and thankfulness...nothing I ever considered.

Figuring out how to not only live within a budget AND save for my future...didn't do that either.

Pretty much I let my circumstances, what I had or did not have, PLUS others around me dictate to me how I acted, felt and behaved.

And then, when I was in my mid early 50's I found out what joy really meant. I found out that joy comes from within. I also found out that if my daily living was not in line with, or on the path to, choosing joy...joy was elusive. So...I learned how to choose joy...everyday.

And, guess what - a joyful life is a life worth living.

Let me show you how to live your best and joyful life today!

I'm Jane!

Hey there!
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